Issue briefs

Issue briefs...

Plan for learning

There are three processes at the centre of efforts to plan for improving education quality and learning outcomes: analysing current education sector conditions, developing education sector plans, and monitoring efforts to implement those plans. This collection of issue briefs provides an overview of each phase involved in the cycle of planning for learning improvement.


Education sector analysis, planning and monitoring

At the core of any effort to improve education quality and learning outcomes are three central processes: analysing the current education sector conditions, planning for improvement, and monitoring efforts to implement those plans. The first step in planning for improved learning outcomes is sector...

Education sector analysis

An education sector analysis (ESA) is an in-depth, holistic diagnosis of an education system. It assists with understanding how an education system (and its subsectors) works, why it works that way, and how to improve it. An ESA provides the evidence base for decision-making and is the first step in...

Policy formulation and programme development

A plan for improving quality and learning outcomes should be based on the findings of an education sector analysis (ESA), offer a vision for the future education system, set medium-term policy goals, and identify major strategies to achieve them. Developing a relevant response to the learning...

Plan costing and financing

To ensure they are realistic and achievable, policy priorities and strategies should be costed taking demographic and economic realities into account. Determining the costs of education sector plan (ESP) implementation therefore involves making projections about trends in the population and the...

Action plan and implementation

The budgeted action plan is sometimes referred to as an implementation plan or operational plan. It outlines detailed activities for a specific period of the ESP, typically a medium-term period of three to six years, with information on timing, roles, responsibilities, and costs. The action plan...

Education sector plan appraisal

Education sector plan (ESP) appraisal is a process that aims to provide an independent and external opinion of the content of the plan. The aims of an appraisal include to ultimately endorse or validate the plan, but also to provide a further window of opportunity to improve its quality, through the...