Leaving no one behind: transforming education systems, equitably and inclusively

Autor(es): Cameron, Stuart; Martinez, Raphaelle

Publisher(s): Global Partnership for Education

Date: 2023

Pages: 43 p.


The principle of “leaving no one behind” in education is central to the mission and goals of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) and international agreements such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Yet many children in GPE partner countries remain out of school or are unable to complete even primary education. This working paper aims to bring attention to the ongoing challenges of reaching universal access to education and completion of at least primary education in many GPE partner countries. It argues that countries and their development partners will need to address both low completion and low learning outcomes to achieve the common goal of all children learning, with none left behind, as well as to meet obligations under human rights instruments. Although the principle of leaving no one behind is widely recognized, it is not always understood how to translate it into practice. This paper provides initial guidance on what it means for policy and donor-supported programs.

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