Autor(es): Pershad, Devyani; Comba, Renaud; Bergmann, Jessica
Publisher(s): Save Our Future
Date: 2020
Pages: 19 p.
Serie: Averting an education catastrophe for the world’s children: background paper
Series Volume: 2
As education systems across the globe continue creating, adapting, and strengthening strategies to tackle the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, an opportunity is emerging to reorient education systems and practices to ensure all children learn. By taking meaningful actions, systems can tackle the learning crisis that already existed before the pandemic hit and curtail the inevitable learning losses that will arise as a result of school closures. The Save Our Future campaign - a global community of practitioners, educators, policymakers, officials and supporters - calls on education stakeholders to: 1) Create simple and actionable mechanisms to measure children’s learning levels upon their return to school and throughout their schooling; 2) Adopt targeted instruction approaches, such as Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) for remedial learning and reorient curriculum to focus on foundational skills for all; 3) Strengthen stakeholder engagement at all levels to prioritize student learning outcomes. This background paper was prepared for the Save Our Future white paper 'Averting an Education Catastrophe for the World’s Children'.