Assessing learners’ competences: policies and practices to support successful and inclusive education

Autor(es): Looney, Janet; Kelly, Gillian

Organisation(s): European Commission. Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture

Publisher(s): Publications Office of the European Union

Date: 2023

Pages: 36 p. + 11 p.

Under its 2021-25 mandate, the Working Group on Schools, subgroup Pathways to School Success supports the implementation and follow-up of the Council Recommendation on Pathways to School Success, which aims to reduce underachievement and early leaving from education and training, as well as promoting well-being at school. The Working Group contributes to high quality, inclusive education across the European Education Area through its analysis of how more inclusive, culturally responsive and participatory assessment practices can be supported, with the overall objective of improving learning and well-being for all children and young people. The Group focused its work on exploring the overarching question of how effective alignment of formative and summative assessments (sometimes described, respectively, as “assessment for learning” and “assessment of learning”) of learners’ key competences can be ensured, supported and more effectively integrated into teaching and learning.

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