Autor(es): Schwantner, Ursula; Maghnouj, Soumaya
Organisation(s): UNESCO; UNESCO Office Bangkok and Regional Bureau for Education in Asia and the Pacific; Australian Council for Educational Research
Publisher(s): UNESCO; Australian Council for Educational Research
Date: 2023
Pages: 36 p.
Serie: Using assessment data in education policy and practice: examples from the Asia Pacific
Series Volume: 5
The fifth issue of the topical case studies series “Using Assessment Data in Education Policy And Practice: Examples From The Asia-Pacific” under the Network for Education Quality Monitoring in Asia-Pacific (NEQMAP), documents four promising practices from countries in the Asia-Pacific region on how education systems can better support teachers and schools in effectively integrating assessment practices in the teaching and learning process. The goal of this support is to identify and meaningfully address every learner’s needs, so that every learner can learn successfully. The case studies look at a variety of levers that promote a better use of assessment for learning such as how to develop teachers’ assessment literacy and capacity to design, implement and use assessment to inform their classroom teaching and learning; how to improve the use of standardized assessment data to inform teaching and learning and how to rethink the organisation of instruction to address the needs of all learners.