Quality and equalities: a comparative study of public and low-cost private schools in Lagos

Autor(es): Unterhalter, Elaine; Robinson, Lynsey; Ibrahim, Jibrin

Organisation(s): Education International

Publisher(s): Education International

Date: 2018

Pages: 84 p. + 4 p.

This study investigates policies and practices in public and private schools, particularly those termed ‘low-cost’ private schools which aim to work with low income communities in Lagos State. The research focused on three different neighbourhoods in Lagos. In each neighbourhood researchers visited a public school, a school that is part of the Bridge International Academies (BIA) chain of private schools, supported by UK development assistance, and another low cost provider. In view of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 on the provision of free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education to all children by 2030, endorsed by the Nigerian and British governments, the research particularly focused on levels of fees charged in the different types of school, the attendant working conditions of teachers, and the ways in which quality and equalities were understood and put into practice.

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