Autor(es): Brink, Satya
Organisation(s): World Bank; OECD
Date: 2015
Pages: 73 p.
PISA for Development is an initiative of the OECD and development partners that aims to identify how its Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) can best support evidence-based policy making in emerging and developing economies – and contribute to the UN-led definition of global learning goals for the post-2015 agenda. In addition the project will help to build country capacity in assessment, analysis and use of results for monitoring and improvement among participating countries. Senegal is one of six countries participating in the project, and the Ministry of Education, through the National Institute for Study and Action for Development in Education (INEADE), is responsible for the project in the country. This report presents the results of an analysis of Senegal in respect of its capacity for managing large scale student assessments, such as PISA. The results of this report are being used to design a capacity building plan for Senegal that will be implemented by the OECD, its contractors, the Ministry of Education, and the National Institute for Study and Action for Development in Education (INEADE), through the PISA for Development project.