Organisation(s): USA. Agency for International Development; RTI International
Date: 2016
Pages: 49 p.
The Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) is an open-source assessment composed of individual subtasks that measure some of the foundational skills needed for reading acquisition. Developed initially in 2006 by RTI International with funding from the World Bank and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), as of mid-2016 the EGRA had been adapted in over 100 languages for use by more than 50 organizations in over 70 countries. It is administered individually in an interaction between a trained assessor and an individual, usually a child in primary school. In 2016, RTI International suggested piloting additional subtasks to enhance the Early Grade Reading Assessment instrument. Researchers from RTI collaborated with a team of researchers in Accra, Ghana, to adapt, refine and pilot four subtasks. The work was funded under an EdData II task order, “Measurement and Research Support to Education Strategy Goal 1.” This report describes the skills assessed, the four subtasks, the pilot, and the results.
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