Autor(es): Mohammed, Oumer; Cao, Yvonne; Ochoa, Ces; Diyana, Fesseha; Hordofa, Tsegaye; Dowd, Amy Jo; Hassen, Suadik
Organisation(s): Save the Children (USA)
Date: 2011
Pages: 23 p.
In 2010, Save the Children began implementing the Literacy Boost program – an intervention focused on working with teachers and communities to improve children’s reading skills – in Oromia Region, Dendi District of Ethiopia. The Literacy Boost assessment features emergent literacy and early grade reading assessments used to detail the skills present when Literacy Boost begins and to chart progress throughout the intervention. Baseline data were collected in 15 Literacy Boost schools and 5 comparison schools in October 2010, and endline data were collected in the same schools at the end of the school year in May 2011.This study reports on the characteristics of students who could not be located at endline, as well as the observed difference in learning during the 2010-2011 school year between Literacy Boost and comparison students in 20 schools in Ethiopia after 3 months of Literacy Boost intervention.