Let's Read - How Tusome leveraged EdTech to improve national learning outcomes. Governing digital transformation: improving outcomes in education systems; case study

Autor(es): Myers, Christina; Kaye, Tom; Khalayleh, Abdullah

Organisation(s): EdTech Hub

Date: 2021

Pages: 12 p.


The case study discussed in this brief, Tusome in Kenya, presents an example of how technology should serve and not guide national reform programmes. What the Tusome programme and others like it illustrate is that there are many other factors at play. Trust, capacity, and accountability are some but not all of the considerations that can make the difference between adoption or abandonment of an EdTech intervention. The Tusome programme used tablets to enhance teacher coaching and oversight and focused heavily on building the capacity of its teachers and coaches, leveraging the use of tablets only in so far as it supports this goal. Clear communication, coupled with established initial success allowed the programme to establish trust among internal and external stakeholders alike. This was further strengthened by the transparency that the data collection and sharing via tablets lent to the programme, as well as the culture of positive accountability that it promoted.

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