Learning counts: international seminar on assessing and improving quality learning for all

Autor(es): Encinas-Martin, Marta

Publisher(s): UNESCO

Date: 2009

Pages: 55 p.


The "Learning Counts" International Seminar on Assessing and Improving Quality Learning for All (UNESCO, Paris, 28-30 October 2008) was organized by the UNESCO Education Sector in the context of the ongoing work of the Quality Task Team of the Education for All Fast Track Initiative (EFA-FTI). The meeting brought together education specialists, policy makers and practitioners from every region in the world to address the continuing challenge posed by EFA Goal G by encouraging an open exchange of ideas and recent experiences in assessing learning outcomes and improving learning processes. In view of the widely acknowledged need for urgent action on the quality issue, the seminar was also intended as a forum for drafting specific recommendations that could be used to inform and encourage EFA-FTI partners in their efforts to develop more effective strategies for assessing and improving "recognized and measurable" learning outcomes. Thus one of the desired outcomes of the meeting was to provide inputs to the EFA-FTI Appraisal Guidelines and Indicative Framework, with special attention throughout the discussions to the problems faced by educational systems most at risk of not meeting the objectives set by the EFA and education-related Millennium Development Goals.

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