Leading a collaborative learning culture through middle tier reforms in Rwanda

Autor(es): Childress, David; Jones, Charlotte

Organisation(s): UNESCO IIEP; Education Development Trust (UK)

Publisher(s): UNESCO IIEP

Date: 2023

Pages: 6 p.

Serie: Country note: Instructional leaders at the middle tier

Series Volume: 3


As part of its project on instructional leaders at the middle tier, IIEP and EDT conducted case studies in five jurisdictions, exploring the professional practices and perceived impacts of instructional leaders and the enabling factors present in the systems in which they work. Those studies and their takeaways are summarized in this series of short country notes. This country note shows how new ‘leader of learning’ middle tier roles have been created in Rwanda to harness the skills and motivation of the highest-performing serving head teachers in the country, to support the professional development of their peers.

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