Implementation in education: findings from a scoping review

Autor(es): Albers, Bianca; Pattawage, Loyal

Organisation(s): Centre for Evidence and Implementation

Publisher(s): Evidence for Learning

Date: 2017

Pages: 50 p.


This report, prepared for Evidence for Learning (E4L), explores the role of implementation in high quality educational practice through the research question, What is known about the role of implementation in providing effective teaching and generating positive learning outcomes for school aged children in primary and secondary education? Based on a systematic scoping review, the goal was to explore whether particular implementation concepts or strategies in school settings have been shown to be effective in supporting teaching and improving student outcomes. 36 publications were included in the final literature sample. Eight were implementation effectiveness studies and reported implementation outcomes that were achieved through the test of different implementation strategies. All of these studies were conducted in the U.S. The remaining 28 studies were implementation quality studies, which reported on the effectiveness of interventions and included an indicator of implementation quality.

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