Enhancing the impact of accelerated education and girls focused programmes: effectiveness of accelerated education programmes in Sierra Leone; research brief

Organisation(s): Dalan Development Consultants

Date: 2023

Pages: 12 p.


The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) is funding a research study under its Knowledge Information Exchange (KIX) initiative. The research study seeks to examine the efficiency, effectiveness, and scalability of Accelerated Education Programmes (AEP) and girls focused education models (GFM) in West Africa's rural, fragile, and hard-to-reach areas, of Ghana, Nigeria and Sierra Leone. An effectiveness study which forms part of the research package, seeks to investigate the extent to which AEP beneficiaries from BRAC, Save the Children (SCF) International as well as Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education (MBSSE) AEP have transitioned to formal education or to the world of work. As a prerequisite for undertaking the effectiveness study, the research consortium partners undertook an Out of School mapping exercise. In Sierra Leone, this was undertaken in three districts across two administrative regions. Namely North West Region (Port Loko and Kambia district ), and Southern Region (Pujehun District); regions where BRAC Sierra Leone, the MBSSE and SCF respectively undertook AEP and GFM , to assess the magnitude of the out of school phenomenon, in the three districts. 22% of children aged between 4 to 17 years were estimated to be out of school. The mapping exercise was followed by prelisting activity to trace AEP beneficiaries, using beneficiary data provided by the three service providers. The output from the prelisting exercise formed the sampling frame for the effectiveness study.

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