Autor(es): Makuwa, Demus
Organisation(s): Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality
Date: 2011
Pages: 9 p.
Serie: Working paper
Series Volume: 002
In the research programmes conducted by the Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality (SACMEQ) teachers were considered as the most important human resource inputs to schooling. This paper highlights the characteristics of Grade 6 teachers in terms of: (a) their personal attributes (such as age, gender, general education, professional training, and teaching experience), and (b) their achievement scores in a standardized reading test that was administered during SACMEQ II (2000) and SACMEQ III (2007) across the 15 SACMEQ school systems. These teacher characteristics provide a succinct overview of the quality of the teaching force across the SACMEQ education systems in 2007. The personal characteristics of Grade 6 teachers that have been discussed in this paper are complemented with reading achievement scores in order to provide an indication of the subject matter knowledge of Grade 6 reading teachers, and to show the trend in achievement levels between 2000 and 2007. The results show that there were variations in the characteristics of Grade 6 teachers across SACMEQ school systems in terms of age, gender, general education, professional training, and teaching experience. The results further show that for SACMEQ as a whole, there was an increase in the average achievement scores of teachers, between 2000 and 2007. However, there were large variations in teacher achievement scores across SACMEQ school systems. The challenge for most SACMEQ school systems is to achieve gender equality in the composition of teaching staff while ensuring a balance between academic education, and appropriate pedagogical training for all teachers.