CARE’s Common Indicator Framework: toolkit 2015

Organisation(s): CARE

Date: 2015

Pages: 26 p.


The Common Indicator Framework Toolkit consists of a comprehensive collection of 167 primarily quantitative questions sorted by CIF construct and indicator, plus an additional eight demographic questions. Questions (items) from the toolkit can be selected to fit specific, localized research requirements related to the CIF. Questionnaires for students, teachers, and community members can be constructed using the CIF Toolkit. The final column in the toolkit table indicates the audience and questionnaire (teacher, student, or community) for which each question is designed. Results obtained with the final questionnaires developed based on the CIF quantitative questions should be combined with other sources of information, particularly qualitative interviews. The triangulation of findings will allow for better interpretation of the findings, exploring the depth and breadth of the information available to the project/ initiative. Items to measure the attainment construct are not included in the CIF Toolkit. The completion and persistence/retention indicators come primarily from school or program attendance and completion data. The achievement indicator is measured by program participants’ demonstration of attainment or application of skills – something that schools or program offices would have to assess with their graduates.

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