An alternative estimate of school-based management impacts on students' achievements: evidence from the Philippines

Autor(es): Yamauchi, Futoshi

Organisation(s): World Bank

Date: 2014

Pages: 25 p.

Serie: Policy research working paper

Series Volume: 6747


This paper aims to estimate the impact of school-based management on students’ test scores in the Philippines. Estimation results using double differencing combined with propensity score matching show that school-based management increases the average national achievement test score by 4.2 points over three years. The increase in mathematics reached 5.7 points. This is larger than the estimate previously reported from the Philippines, probably because the sample schools had learned about implementation of school-based management from experiences accumulated in other provinces that introduced it earlier. The empirical results also show that schools with experienced principals and teachers are eager to introduce school-based management.

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