Space utilization rate


Space utilization rate (S.U.R.): compares average group size in a classroom with the room’s theoretical capacity: S.U.R = (average class size/ classroom capacity) x 100.

Source :

Caillods, Francoise, et al. 1983. School Mapping and Micro-Planning in Education. Paris: UNESCO-IIEP.

Example of use

A classroom built to take 30 pupils is only occupied by an average of 15 pupils. The space utilisation rate is (15/30) x 100 = 50 %. It is more difficult to calculate this ratio given that the classroom capacity must be evaluated. Should this be the capacity featuring in the classroom construction programme? Should headteachers be asked to determine the capacity of each classroom? Then, the risk is that school principals would indicate the number of existing seats instead of the potential number. Classroom capacity can also be calculated by dividing the area (m2) of each classroom by the standard area (m2) per pupil (UNESCO-IIEP, 1983:87).

Source :

Caillods, Francoise, et al. 1983. School Mapping and Micro-Planning in Education. Paris: UNESCO-IIEP.