Forms of learning that are intentional or deliberate but are not institutionalised. It is consequently less organized and structured than either formal or non-formal education. Informal learning may include learning activities that occur in the family, workplace, local community and daily life, on a self-directed, family-directed or socially-directed basis.
UIS. International Standard Classification of Education, ISCED 2011. Montreal: UIS, 2012.
In general, informal learning does not involve teaching by a second party, is not organized, and does not lead to a recognized credential. Informal learning, experience and practice are closely-related concepts. Without careful distinction, most life experiences can be viewed as involving informal learning, but clearly certain types of activities are more relevant than others when it comes to the formation of relevant competencies (Desjardins, Rubenson and Milana, 2006: 54).
Desjardins, Richard; Kjell Rubenson, and Marcella Milana. Unequal chances to participate in adult learning: international perspectives. Fundamentals of Educational Planning 83. Paris: UNESCO-IIEP, 2006.