School readiness


Children's development in several interconnected domains relevant to starting school, including physical well-being and motor development, social and emotional development, approach to learning, language development, and cognitive development and general knowledge.

UNESCO. Strong foundations: early childhood care and education; EFA global monitoring report, 2007. Paris: UNESCO, 2007.

Exemple d'utilisation

The two main approaches regarding thetransition to primary school may be summed up as ‘school readiness’ and ‘ready schools’ (Fabian and Dunlop, 2006). The former stresses theimportance of ECCE in promoting children’s development and assuring their school readiness; it seeks to identify the characteristics that children should display if they are ready forschool. (UNESCO, 2007: 162)

UNESCO. Strong foundations: early childhood care and education; EFA global monitoring report, 2007. Paris: UNESCO, 2007.