Teacher management


Teacher management is a component of human resources management, defined as the search for the best possible match between human resources and the needs of an
organisation, in terms of quantity and quality. Teacher management functions include recruitment, training and motivation of personnel, their deployment and the establishment of staffing norms, wage negotiations and organisation of pay, follow up and evaluation of performance, planning of future needs, the development of communication systems or yet again making opportunities available for personal and professional development (Best, Tournier, and Chimier, 2018: 2).

Best, A.; Tournier, B.; Chimier, C. 2018. Topical questions on teacher management. Paris: IIEP-UNESCO.

Exemple d'utilisation

IIEP advocates a systematic and professional approach to managing human resources in education, which it considers crucial to the success of an education system. Countries have to devise mechanisms to develop and implement a  comprehensive,  forward-looking, and genuine HRM approach in the education sector. Attention also needs to be given to the everyday routine management activities that continue to be characterized by delays, lack of transparency, favouritism, etc., and thus constitute a major source of teacher dissatisfaction and disengagement. Attempts to improve teacher management need to start with a careful diagnosis of the main current problems that a  country is facing in this area.  Some  problems  require new management policy choices concerning, for instance, the training, career structure, or utilization of teachers and other staff (IIEP-UNESCO, 2012: 92).

IIEP-UNESCO; OECD; CELE. 2012. Guidelines for Capacity Development in Education Policy Planning and Resource Management. Paris: IIEP-UNESCO.