Auteur(s) : Caceres, Susan A.; Tyrrell, Anthony M.
Organisation(s): International Bank for Reconstruction and Development; World Bank. Independent Evaluation Group
Date: 2019
Pages: 72 p.
Serie: Project performance assessment report
Series Volume: 135418
These World Bank-supported projects were selected for field-based assessment because they focused on improving education quality and the provision of in-service training. The assessment aims to verify whether the operations achieved their intended outcomes. Ratings for the Vietnam School Readiness and Promotion Project are as follows: Outcome was satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, Quality of M&E was substantial, and Risk to development outcome was low. Ratings for the Global Partnership for Education – Vietnam Escuela Nueva Project are as follows: Outcome was satisfactory, Risk to development outcome was modest, Bank performance was satisfactory, and Borrower performance was satisfactory. IEG identified the following lessons from its evaluation of the two operations: (i) In addition to lending, the World Bank can add value through the transmission of knowledge from experiences and lessons that help shape reforms. (ii) When significant pedagogical changes are required of teachers, incentives, support, and long-term commitment are needed (probably more than education systems realize). (iii) When scaling up or adopting a systemwide approach, it is important to understand and design this approach in accordance with the decentralized context and challenges faced at the various levels of administration. (iv) Targeting disadvantaged areas does not translate into targeted efforts for specific vulnerable groups. (v) When scaling up, the importance of consultation and communication cannot be underestimated.
Niveau d'éducation