Teacher careers in education systems that are coherent for learning: choose and curate toward commitment to capable and committed teachers (5Cs)

Auteur(s) : Hwa, Yue-Yi; Pritchett, Lant

Date: 2021

Pages: 89 p.


How can education authorities and organisations develop empowered, highly respected, strongly performance-normed, contextually embedded teaching professionals who cultivate student learning? This challenge is particularly acute in many low- and middle-income education systems that have successfully expanded school enrolment but struggle to help children master even the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic. In this primer, we synthesise research from a wide range of academic disciplines and country contexts, and we propose a set of principles for guiding the journey toward an empowered, effective teaching profession. We call these principles the 5Cs: choose and curate toward commitment to capable and committed teachers. These principles are rooted in the fact that teachers and their career structures are embedded in multi-level, multi-component systems that interact in complex ways. We also outline five premises for practice, each highlighting an area in which education authorities and organisations can change the typical status quo approach in order to apply the 5Cs and realise the vision of empowered teaching profession.

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