Other title(s): Підтримка працівників дошкільної освіти на державному рівні: дошкільна освіта в Україні
Auteur(s) : Putcha, Vidya; Neuman, Michelle J.; Sofiy, Natalia; Zaplotynska, Olena
Organisation(s): Results for Development Institute
Date: 2018
Pages: 30 p.
Serie: Supporting the early childhood workforce at scale
Series Volume: 2
This study, the second in this series, focuses on the role of preschool teachers in Ukraine. The country, with a predominantly public network of preschool education, has achieved coverage for a significant proportion of the population. Nevertheless, it struggles to meet demand and ensure quality of services. In addition, Ukraine is at a unique moment where increasing attention is being paid in the country to improving the quality of preschool education and supporting inclusion, which have been elevated in recent policy reforms. Taking into account the significance of preschool teachers to the system of preschool education, this study aims to gain a better understanding of their experiences, including their backgrounds, the support that they receive, as well as the challenges that they encounter.
Projet :
Niveau d'éducation