Non-state education in South Asia: understanding the effect of non-state actors on the quality, equity and safety of education service delivery

Auteur(s) : Borkowski, Artur; Sunny, Bindu; Zapata, Juliana

Publisher(s): UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti

Date: 2021

Pages: 238 p.

Serie: Innocenti research report


Education systems in South Asia are complex and fragmented. Despite high engagement and involvement of Non-State Actors (NSA) in education, there is a lack of comprehensive policy to govern them. Achieving better learning outcomes for children in South Asia requires understanding the wide variety of NSA providers and unpacking how these different actors engage with and influence education provision. Through a meta-analysis of existing evidence, this report presents findings on learning outcomes in public and non-state schools and the implications on quality, equity and safety of education delivery in the region. It also uncovers critical gaps in evidence that need to be addressed to show what is really working, for whom, where and at what cost.

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