Improving quality education and children’s learning outcomes and effective practices in the Eastern and Southern Africa Region

Auteur(s) : Friedman, Tim; Schwantner, Ursula; Spink, Jeaniene; Tabata, Naoko; Waters, Charlotte

Organisation(s): Australian Council for Educational Research; UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office (Kenya)

Date: 2016

Pages: 88 p. + 16 p. + 120 p. + 8 p. + 4 p.

In order to understand the major impediments to student learning in the region, UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office commissioned this study to map and compare existing assessments of literacy and numeracy in primary education in the region, to examine how the data can be used to characterise children who are experiencing only limited learning outcomes to inform education policy, and to document practices that could help improve learning outcomes of disadvantaged children. The report concludes with a macro theory of change combining assessment, analysis and action. The research was jointly supported by ACER's Centre for Global Education Monitoring.

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