Auteur(s) : Sammons, Pamela; Flórez, María Teresa
Organisation(s): CfBT Education Trust (UK)
Publisher(s): CfBT Education Trust (UK)
Date: 2013
Pages: 27 p.
The two main aims of this paper are to give an outline of the main characteristics of Assessment for learning (AfL) and to synthesise key research evidence on the effects and impact of this approach through a systematic process of literature review. The paper provides a brief description of the main features, principles and strategies that underpin the concept of assessment for learning, as well as information on how this approach has been put into practice in different contexts. Findings about the effects and impact of assessment for learning on student outcomes and teachers’ classroom practice are presented and some guidelines for policymaking and practice on assessment derived from research are developed. In addition, the paper identifies some of the criticisms that have been made of this perspective and the limitations of current knowledge on its impact.
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