Are Our Children Learning? The status of remote-learning among school-going children in Kenya during the Covid-19 crisis

Organisation(s): Usawa Agenda

Date: 2020

Pages: 20 p.


The survey on remote learning was conducted in 86 out of the total 335 sub-counties across 42 of the 47 counties. We leveraged technology to collect data using the KoboCollect platform via phone calls from 3,735 households spread in 258 villages. The interviewed household heads were evenly distributed based on gender with 52.3 percent being men while 47.7 percent were women. These households together had a total of 10,281 school-going children distributed from baby class to form four. We also used a separate tool on the same platform to interview 139 Kenya Primary School Heads Associations (KEPSHA) and 134 Kenya Secondary School Heads Associations (KESSHA) County and Sub-county chairpersons spread across 211 sub-counties and 47 counties. These KEPSHA and KESSHA officials together represent a total of 10,252 and 4,213 primary and secondary schools respectively. Key facts about children's digital learning in Kenya: 1) Access to digital learning is low and inequitable. 2) Parental awareness on children’s remote learning is disparate. 3) Most utilized platform of accessing digital learning isn’t the most accessible. 4) Public schools were least prepared to support digital learning.

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