21st century skills: what potential role for the Global Partnership for Education? A landscape review

Organisation(s): Global Partnership for Education

Date: 2020

Pages: 56 p.


This report considers the role that the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) could take in supporting partner countries in embedding 21st-century skills or equivalent within their education systems. The report recommendations consider the different levers that GPE can use as well as the core principles underlying GPE’s work, including evidence-based policy dialogue, country ownership, harmonization and aid alignment, and the promotion of mutual accountability. As GPE develops its next strategic plan, this report can serve as a reflection of the current landscape as well as a think piece in considering how best to support partner countries and the wider partnership in aspirations toward ensuring that children and young people are equipped with the broad range of skills that they need to be active, engaged and productive members of their communities, countries and the globalized world more broadly.

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