What parents talk about when they talk about learning: a national survey about young children and science

Autor(es): Silander, Megan; Grindal, Todd; Hupert, Naomi; Garcia, Elisa; Anderson, Kea; Vahey, Philip; Pasnik, Shelley

Organisation(s): Education Development Center (USA); SRI Education (USA)

Date: 2018

Pages: 118 p. + 10 p.

This report presents the results of a first-of-its-kind national survey of parents, who were asked about the types of early science educational activities they do with their young children. It also includes a follow-up qualitative study, focused on low-income families, which sought to illuminate parents’ survey responses. The purpose of the study was to provide new insights on the ways in which parents help their young children learn as well as new information on parents’ beliefs and practices related to early science learning and the use of learning media.

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