Student learning outcomes in primary education in Lao PDR: situational analysis

Organisation(s): Lao PDR. Ministry of Education and Sports; UNICEF Lao PDR

Date: 2015

Pages: 98 p.


This situational analysis focused on the following areas: a) Relevance and appropriateness of current learning outcomes for Grades 1 to 5, with consideration of national cultural, social and economic goals, and integration within the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). b) Process for developing existing student learning outcomes, including stakeholders involved and the methods used. c) Student learning outcomes framework, including knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are crucial for daily life and the country’s future development; and consistency between the curriculum goals, objectives, and learning outcomes across primary grades. d) Use of student learning outcomes, in particular how, for what and by whom the student learning outcomes have been used to date. Findings and recommendations from this analysis are expected to provide guidance for further improvement of the student learning outcomes framework and eventually to inform a future review of primary curriculum in Lao PDR. They will also contribute to the revision of instructional materials as well as the assessment system that is appropriate for local contexts.

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