Autor(es): Robinson, Natasha; Taylor, Nick
Organisation(s): Mastercard Foundation; Varkey Foundation
Date: 2019
Pages: 51 p.
This background paper was prepared for the Mastercard Foundation report, Secondary Education in Africa: Preparing Youth for the Future of Work. Commissioned by the Varkey Foundation, this report is one component of a wide-ranging study on the education of secondary school teachers in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The Market Scan Report provides information for the larger study, which culminates in an overview report. The paper systematically examines eight key aspects of teacher education as it manifests in both its initial (ITE) and continuing (CPD) modalities: selection into ITE; the institutions which deliver ITE; the nature and content of ITE programmes; induction of newly qualified teachers into profession; teachers and performance management; continuous professional development; teachers' career paths; and the promotion of teachers.
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