Policy, practice, and readiness to teach primary and secondary mathematics in 17 countries: findings from the IEA Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M)

Autor(es): Tatto, Maria Teresa; Schwille, John; Senk, Sharon L.; Ingvarson, Lawrence; Rowley, Glenn; Peck, Ray; Bankov, Kiril; Rodriguez, Michael; Reckase, Mark

Organisation(s): International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement

Date: 2012

Pages: 295 p.


The Teacher Education and Development Study (TEDS-M) is the first cross-national study to use representative samples in order to examine the preparation of future teachers of mathematics at both the primary and secondary school levels. The study was conducted under the auspices of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA). [...] The key research questions for the study focused on the associations between teacher education policies, institutional practices, and future teachers’ knowledge (by the end of their preservice education) of mathematics and pedagogy. This report describes and compares national policies relating to teacher education and documents how the participating countries organize their teacher education provision. The report provides insight not only into the main characteristics of the various tertiary-education programs and their curricula, but also into the opportunities to learn about mathematics and mathematics pedagogy that the programs offer their future teachers.

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