Autor(es): Masters, Geoff N.; Taylor-Guy, Pauline; Fraillon, Julian; Chase, Anne-Marie
Organisation(s): Australian Council for Educational Research
Date: 2020
Pages: 19 p.
The purpose of this briefing paper is to provide evidence of the likely impact on educational outcomes for vulnerable children learning at home as a result of the COVID-19 response measures, and the merits of a range of delivery models. The paper is structured in four sections. Section 1 reports data from three international research programs and from the Australian National Assessment Program ICT Literacy. The purpose of this section is to use data collected in large-scale assessment programs that have representative national samples of participants to describe the profile of disadvantaged students in Australia. Section 2 discusses themes emerging from the literature pertaining to equity and access in Australia; the preparedness and skills of teachers and students to teach and learn using technology; student engagement; and the role of parents. Section 3 presents different models of home learning. Section 4 summarises evidence-based actions, which will support learning, particularly for vulnerable children in the short and medium term, and which will contribute to a flexible, resilient, and responsive education system in the event of any future interruptions in schooling.
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