Mathematics and science achievement at South African schools in TIMSS 2003

Autor(es): Reddy, Vijay

Organisation(s): Human Sciences Research Council (South Africa)

Date: 2006

Pages: xx-129 p.


In November 2002. about 9 000 Grade 8 learners from South African public schools participated in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TlMSS). South Africa was one of 50 countries (and educational systems) that participated in this study. TIMSS is a project of the International Association for the Evaluation of International Achievement (IEA), an organization that has been conducting cross-national studies since 1959. The Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) has co-ordinated and managed the South African part of the study. TIMSS 2003 is the third TIMSS that South Africa has participated in – the other being 1995 and 1999. This analytical-descriptive report provides information, gained during TIMSS 2003, about South Africa’s performance in mathematics and science at Grade 8 level. The report will first provide information regarding South Africa’s performance in relation to the other countries that participated in the study, and cross-national comparisons will highlight South Africa’s performance in relation to the other participating African countries. The report will then provide information on performance in mathematics and science within South Africa. The national analysis will also track changes over time. This national analysis is important to inform policy and planning within the country. In addition to achievement data, this report will include contextual information relating to learners, teacher and schools.

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