Leading teaching and learning together: the role of the middle tier

Autor(es): Tournier, Barbara; Chimier, Chloé; Jones, Charlotte

Organisation(s): IIEP-UNESCO; Education Development Trust

Date: 2023

Pages: 126 p.


In education systems around the world, planners and policy-makers are calling for more attention to whole-system improvement. To best address teaching and learning outcomes, teachers and head teachers need whole-system support to build professionalism and improve their practice. The middle tier of education systems, composed of professionals working between the school and central levels, may offer a unique opportunity to facilitate collaboration, broker knowledge, scale innovations, and provide instructional direction to school-level practitioners.This research was conducted as a collaborative partnership between IIEP-UNESCO and Education Development Trust. It explores how middle-tier instructional leaders can form a nexus for improving the quality of education at scale. Through case studies in five jurisdictions – Delhi (India), Jordan, Rwanda, Shanghai (China), and Wales – it explores the professional practices and perceived impacts of instructional leaders and the enabling factors present in the systems where they work. It focuses on promising practices globally, and is designed to draw out insights and lessons for both policy-makers and practitioners.

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