Instructional practices for effective large-scale reading interventions: findings from the Learning at Scale study

Autor(es): Stern, Jonathan; Dubeck, Margaret; Jukes, Matthew; Piper, Benjamin

Organisation(s): RTI International

Date: 2022

Pages: 13 p.


The Learning at Scale study aimed to investigate factors contributing to successful improvements in learning outcomes at scale in eight of the most effective large-scale education programs in low- and middle-income countries. These programs were selected based on their demonstrated gains in reading outcomes at-scale, from either midline or endline impact evaluations. The study addressed three overarching research questions, focused on understanding the components of instructional practices (Brief 1), instructional supports (Brief 2), and system supports (Brief 3) that lead to effective instruction. This Brief focuses specifically on instructional practices. It addresses the following research question: What classroom ingredients (e.g., teaching practices, classroom environment) lead to learning in programs that are effective at scale?

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