Indicators for a broad and bold post-2015 agenda: a comprehensive approach to educational development

Autor(es): Zancajo, Adrián; Verger, Antoni; Bonal, Xavier

Publisher(s): Open Society Foundations

Date: 2015

Pages: 61 p.


This report reviews the conceptual debates and existing data sources that relate to three ambiguous and controversial targets included in the post-2015 education framework: Relevant Learning Outcomes; Knowledge, Skills, Values, and Attitudes (for education for global citizenship and sustainable development); and Teachers and Safe, Inclusive, and Effective Learning Environments. The main objectives of the report are to: • Propose a battery of indicators for each target for the purpose of advancing toward a broad and bold global education action framework. • Reflect on the most appropriate methodological approaches to monitor countries’ progress against the post-2015 education targets. • Inform current debates related to the definition of the post-2015 education action framework and become a useful tool for civil society and governmental actors involved in such debates. The indicators proposed in this report (see Appendix) are grounded in both theoretical notions and empirical evidence on the main components and conditions of quality education. Until know, access has been at the center of the global education agenda, and it should be high in the list of priorities of the post-2015 scenario. In this report we emphasize the importance of complementing a focus on access with process and outputs indicators to ensure the quality of education systems. We also assert that, in any global framework for action, equity should be seen as cross-cutting to access, processes, and outputs, as well as inherent to any notion of educational quality. In fact, equity is a key driver of education progress. Existing evidence makes clear that most educational systems will only be able to improve their effectiveness if they reduce educational inequalities and strengthen education processes for the most marginalized.

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