ICAN: Evaluación Internacional Común de Aritmética Básica; antecendentes, características e implementación a gran escala

Publisher(s): PAL Network

Date: 2020

Pages: 63 p.

ICAN is an open-source, robust and easy-to-use assessment tool, available in 11 languages, that offers international comparability of results aligned to SDG 4.1.1 (a). ICAN was developed through a collaborative effort among PAL Network member organisations in 13 low and middle-income countries across Africa, America and Asia. In its first round of large-scale household-based implementation, ICAN covered one rural district each in 13 countries. This exercise aimed to demonstrate proof of concept in two ways: 1) To demonstrate the feasibility of using a common assessment framework and set of tools across very different country contexts; and 2) To highlight the ways in which ICAN can be used to generate estimates that respond to important questions on foundational learning confronting countries in the Global South.

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