Autor(es): Ostrowska, Barbara; Polak, Marcin; Zaród, Marcin; Verswijvel, Bart; Garnier, Xavier; Söylemez, Büsra; Özdemir, Ceyda
Publisher(s): Novigado Project
Date: 2021
Pages: 87 p.
The overall objective of the Novigado Project is to support schools and related stakeholders in the transition from a conventional and teacher-centred classroom into teaching practices that promote active learning with the support of innovative learning environments and use of relevant Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The Novigado Project’s meta objective is to stimulate the development of key competences (European Commission, 2018) and transversal skills (UNESCO, 2013) among students as crucial for their society’s well-being and for their functioning in the pandemic-affected environment and the post-COVID-19 world. Within the scope of the project, the Guidelines were constructed based on a desk research and literature review on flexible and innovative learning environments, and on teachers’ and students’ practices from the classroom that support both active learning and innovative teaching. As Partner Organisations, running the Novigado Project, we believe learning spaces can play a crucial role in stimulating not only active learning of students, but also innovative forms of pedagogy in the classroom or school spaces. Therefore, this publication will focus on both aspects: the theoretical background of what, according to scientific research results, should be a modern and pro-learning school environment today, and the practical approach from classrooms – how to organise and use the school space to achieve best results in learning or teaching.