Organisation(s): USA. Agency for International Development; RTI International
Date: 2014
Pages: 378 p.
Egypt espoused the Education for All (EFA) movement through the Education for Excellence and Excellence for All initiative and committed to reforms that would help the country achieve those goals. Through its many efforts and with donor support, Egypt has been able to meet the challenges to access and equity that it faced and had, by 2008, achieved universal enrollment in basic education, primary Grades 1–9. Gender parity in basic education was on an upward trajectory and girls made up a total of 48% of enrollments. The quality of education remained a very large challenge, naturally exacerbated by the rapid expansion of enrollment in Grades 1–9. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has supported Egypt in its reforms to achieve objectives outlined in its own national strategy for education. Girls’ Improved Learning Outcomes (GILO) was one of multiple projects designed by USAID in collaboration with the Ministry of Education (MOE) to support its efforts to improve the quality of education and to achieve gender parity in schools. This report serves as the final project management report for USAID/Egypt.
Level of education: