Gender differences in student achievement in Vietnam: findings from the 2007 national survey of student achievement

Autor(es): Nguyen, Thi Kim; Griffin, Patrick

Date: 2011

Pages: 18 p.


In order to improve the learning outcomes of both male and female students, it is important to improve understanding of how they learn and the source of any gender inequality. Understanding the reasons for differences in student performance might be considered the first step for designing effective educational policies to address quality and equity concerns. Studies of the relationship between gender and student achievement demonstrate that girls tend to have a higher reading achievement than boys (EURYDICE, 2010; Nguyen, Wu and Gillis, 2005; Rothman and McMillan, 2003; World Bank, 2004). While studies show that gender differences in mathematics are somewhat mixed, most show no consistent gender gap among students at the primary level (EURYDICE, 2010; OECD, 2009; Rothman and McMillan, 2003).

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