Other title(s): مجموعة أدوات تقييم القراءة في المراحل الدراسية األولى
Organisation(s): RTI International; USA. Agency for International Development
Date: 2016
Pages: 225 p.
In the interest of consolidating diverse experiences and developing a reasonably standardized approach to assessing children’s early reading acquisition, in 2009 the World Bank requested that RTI develop a “toolkit,” or user manual, which would serve as a guide for countries beginning to work with EGRA in such areas as local adaptation of the instrument, fieldwork, and analysis of results. As use of the EGRA instrument became more widespread among implementing organizations and countries, largely due to the open-source nature of the assessments, USAID commissioned RTI to revise and update the toolkit. Through an EdData II task order, Measurement and Research Support to Education Strategy Goal 1, RTI spearheaded the development of this second edition of the EGRA toolkit. This revised version reflects progress made since the original version of the toolkit toward improving the quality of data being used to advance the agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals.
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