Creating effective teaching and learning environments first results from TALIS

Organisation(s): OECD

Publisher(s): OECD

Date: 2009

Pages: 305 p.


OECD’s Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) provides the first internationally comparative perspective on the conditions of teaching and learning, based on data from over 70,000 teachers and school principals who represent lower secondary teachers in the 23 participating countries. TALIS examines important aspects of professional development; teacher beliefs, attitudes and practices; teacher appraisal and feedback; and school leadership. TALIS looks at these factors through the eyes of teachers and school principals. This innovative approach was chosen in order to examine how the intended school and teacher policies of education systems are actually perceived and implemented in schools and classrooms, recognising that the best intentions will only yield results if effectively and consistently implemented in the frontline. The study, Creating Effective Teaching and Learning Environments: First Results from TALIS, representing over 2 million teachers, focuses on teachers appraisal and feedback, their professional development, the teaching practices and beliefs and school leadership. The objective aim is to identify barriers to effective instruction. The report presents quantitative information for policymakers. Countries participating: Australia, Austria, Belgium (Flemish Community), Brazil, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Korea, Lithuania, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain and Turkey.

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