Cost-effectiveness with equity: raising learning for marginalised girls through Camfed’s programme in Tanzania

Autor(es): Sabates, Ricardo; Rose, Pauline; Delprato, Marcos; Alcott, Ben

Organisation(s): University of Cambridge (UK). Research for Equitable Access and Learning Centre

Date: 2018

Pages: 19 p.

Serie: Research and Policy Paper

Series Volume: 18/2


This policy paper provides a cost-effectiveness analysis of Camfed’s programme in Tanzania. Camfed’s programme adopts a multidimensional approach that is aimed at reaching marginalised girls at risk of dropping out from secondary schools by using interventions that are aimed at both increasing their chances of staying in school and learning. This paper highlights three issues that are relevant for these types of equity-led interventions: (i) Higher cost provision is necessary to reach the most marginalised; (ii) The higher cost necessary to accomplish equitable outcomes could, however, still result in higher overall cost-effectiveness; (iii) But can these programmes be sustained in the long run? Are they replicable and scalable in other contexts?

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