Brazil country note: results from PISA 2015

Other title(s): Brasil: resumo de resultados nacionais do PISA 2015

Organisation(s): OECD

Date: 2016

Pages: 13 p.


The average performance of students in Brazil is significantly below the OECD average in science (401 points, compared to the average of 493 points), reading (407 points, compared to the average of 493 points) and mathematics (377 points, compared to the average of 490 points) (Figures I.2.13, I.4.1 and I.5.1). Brazil’s average performance in science has remained stable since 2006, the last time science was the major domain assessed in PISA (the approximate 10-point increase in scores, from 390 in 2006 to 401 in 2015, is not a statistically significant change). These results are similar to trends observed across OECD countries: the small decline from 498 points in 2006 to 493 points in 2015 is not statistically significant (Table I.2.4a and Figure I.2.21).

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