Organisation(s): UNESCO Institute for Statistics; Australian Council for Educational Rsearch
Publisher(s): UIS
Date: 2024
Pages: 102 p.
The main aim of this study – Assessments for Minimum Proficiency Levels ‘a’ and ‘b’ (AMPL-ab), is to measure and analyze the reading and mathematics proficiency of students at the end of lower primary (SDG indicator 4.1.1a) and at the end of primary school education (SDG indicator 4.1.1b). This will: produce baseline population estimates inreading and mathematics proficiency to enable participating countries to set informedtargets for improvement; facilitate reporting against SDG Indicators4.1.1a and 4.1.1b; assist with tracking learning progress overtime; complement AMPL-b tools that were developed in 2021 for the Monitoring theImpacts of COVID-19 on Learning Outcomes(MILO) study (UIS, 2022a).Four countries participated in the AMPL-ab study: The Gambia (Grade 3), Kenya (Grade 6), Lesotho (Grade 7) and Zambia (Grade 4 & Grade 7). India (Grade 3 & Grade 5) also participated in this study, undertaking a pilot with a purposive sample that, by design, does not yield population estimates and not included in this report.
Level of education: