This report summarizes results from the 2017 assessment. The report starts with key facts from the findings to enable readers to see a snapshot of the specific issues addressed in the report. The report is further divided into four sections. Section 1 is the introduction that describes the Uwezo assessment and its goals. Section 2 provides an overview of the methodology applied for sampling, test development, partner recruitment and training, data collection and analysis. Section 3 presents key findings from this year’s assessment and analyzes trends since 2011 on rates of literacy and numeracy among children both in and out-of-school. The section also examines school enrolments, inequalities in learning by gender, residence and socio-economic characteristics of households, and factors that may influence children’s learning outcomes, such as the availability and qualifications of teachers, school facilities and services, school inspections for quality assurance and parents’ involvement in their children’s education. Section 4 concludes the report and offers recommendations to inform policy and practices to influence provision of quality education for all. Sample tests, lists of partners, regional coordinators and trainers who supported implementation of the Uwezo 2017 learning assessment and district ranking are included as appendices.
Level of education: