Are our children learning? Annual learning assessment report Uganda 2010

Organisation(s): Uwezo

Date: 2011

Pages: 74 p.


Worldwide basic Literacy and Numeracy are synonymous to being educated. The Uwezo initiative has embarked on a journey of conducting annual assessments to determine the learning abilities of children aged 6-16 years. In the face of huge investments made both at government, non government and at individual level to improve quality of education we still ask whether our children are learning. This report proves otherwise and may point to the fact that the yield may not be worth the investment. It further reveals that our children may not be learning as well as we may like them to. We all need to act to make a difference for it is upon the education of the people of this country that the fate of this country depends. As citizens, we need to be part of the collective effort to bridge the gaps and help our children learn better.

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