Are our children learning? Annual learning assessment report Kenya 2012

Organisation(s): Uwezo

Publisher(s): Uwezo

Date: 2013

Pages: 78 p.


When Uwezo released the first results of our annual learning assessment in 2010, the public reaction was one of disbelief and alarm. Doubts were cast over the veracity of the claims. Could it really be true that 4 out of every 100 children in Class 8 could not read a Class 2 level story? Newspapers yelled out headlines about ‘illiterate Kenyans’; radio stations went to the extent of carrying out their own ad hoc ‘assessments’ on their callers and listeners; some policy makers felt that such evidence tainted the progress that had been achieved in ensuring children accessed formal schools. Yet there were some who quietly agreed. Not only did the evidence confirm their views but it also provided detailed information about the true status of our public education system. This report presents Uwezo 3; the results of the third national annual assessment undertaken by Uwezo alongside our partners and volunteers.

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